

0% Fee
Airtm is an e-wallet connected to over 300 bank and e-money systems via a peer-to-peer network and direct bank connections. Users hold their money as USD or cryptocurrency, and can send and receive funds domestically and internationally.
Processing: immediate for merchant payments
Deposits available
Withdrawals available

To deposit:

  1. Log in to your Backoffice profile
  2. Go to the ‘Deposit’ section and choose ‘Airtm’
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the transaction
Deposits to your FXChoice account via Airtm are free of charge.

Important notice!

Any third-party payments will not be accepted, and the funds will be returned to the payer

Please be informed that we are unable to accept payments from customers from the following countries via Airtm: Cuba, Iran, North Korea and Syria.

To withdraw:

  1. Log in to your Backoffice profile
  2. Go to the ‘Withdrawal’ section and choose ‘Airtm’
  3. Fill in the form and hit the ‘Send request’ button
  4. An email will be sent to your email address with a confirmation link
  5. Click the link to confirm the withdrawal
Withdrawals to your Airtm account are free of charge.
Processing: All Airtm withdrawal requests received during business hours are generally processed within 1-3 days. Once an Airtm withdrawal has been processed on our end, it may take a little while before funds reach you. Any request received during non-working-hours, weekends, holidays, or after the specified cut-off will be processed the next workday within 8.5 business hours. In the event of downtime, upon system recovery, requests will be processed in receipt date/time order.

Important notice!

Withdrawals to third-party Airtm accounts are not allowed.

Advantages of trading with us


USD 10 Minimum Deposit


Competent & Friendly 24/5 live support


Reliable Trading Environment


Flexible Leverage up to 1:1000


Maximum fund security


Various deposits and withdrawal options

Any questions? Visit our Help Centre Airtm

Any questions? Visit our Help Centre Airtm

Our team is committed to helping you in the best way possible. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance.